Category: Christian Living

  • Theology of House Buying: Money

    This week at our Community Life Gathering we are talking about money, so I’ve been thinking about it more.  Jesus uses a bunch of different analogies to describe money in Matt. 6.  He says that the way we spend money is like a window into the soul.  How we spend our money reflects the well…

  • Give to Everyone Who Asks of You

    There are a lot of poor people in Cincinnati.  I was there for a wedding earlier this year.  I was staying at a hotel in the city, so I wanted to be prepared in case I ran into any beggars.  I went to a drug store where they sold gift cards to fast food restaurants…

  • A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

    Don Miller learns to live an exciting story.  That should be the subtitle to this book.  In the process of trying to turn his Blue Like Jazz book into a movie, he comes face-to-face with the reality that he is living a boring life.  He has to sit down with the movie producers and turn…

  • Abraham and Isaac

    When I read that God said to Abraham, offer up your son as a sacrifice, I wonder if this story should have been left out of the Bible.  What does it have to do with a loving God and his relationship with his people?  Isn’t this just at best a bizarre case of emotional manipulation…

  • Truthfully Broken People

    It’s amazing how broken our world is.   Since I’ve started planting New City Covenant, I’ve become more aware of both my own brokenness and that of others.  I sit down with anywhere from 2 to 10 people each week and share my story and the vision of our church with them.  I also listen…

  • Honesty

    At breakfast one morning, a wife looks at her husband as he reads the financial page of the newspaper, just as he has done every morning for the past twenty years.  She longs to yank away the paper and tell him she is just as in love with him today as she was the day…

  • A Parable on Technology

    An Indian Tale quoted in Nouwen’s Wounded Healer: Four royal sons were questioning what specialty they should master.  They said to one another, “Let us search the earth and learn a special science.”  So they decided, and after they had agreed on a place where they would meet again, the four brothers started off, each…

  • A Theology of House Buying / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Mary and I have decided to buy a house.  Neither of us have ever bought a house before, and it’s a big decision.  I’ve been struck by how little the church talks about what principles should guide our thinking when we are buying a house.  Where should you live?  How…

  • Taming the Tongue

    Words can wound. In a few short moments, words can be uttered that have the power to inflict irreparable harm. The mouth is like a machine gun loaded with hateful sayings from the storehouse of a hurt heart ready to unload on a close friend, colleague or spouse. When we open fire on those around…

  • Soul Ache

    I get soul ache.  Every once and a while I feel uncomfortable in my own skin.  I’ll feel like the man who’s afraid to fly when he is stuck on a airplane.  Or, like the women who’s claustrophobic who is forced to ride the subway.  Life in this fallen world sometimes makes me feel sick…