Category: Church Planting
Emerging Church Offensive?
A smoking hot quote about the Emerging Church from Soong-Chan Rah’s new book, The Next Evangelicalism: I personally find the use of the term “emerging church” to be offensive. I believe that the real emerging church is the church in Africa, Asia and Latin America that continues to grow by leaps and bounds. I believe…
This book is meant to be a guidebook for developing vision in your life. Stanley steps through the story of Nehemiah and pulls out visioning principles along the way. He challenges everyone to live with purpose by developing a vision for each aspect or role of their life. That means I have a vision for…
Why Plant Churches
“Results of a DAWN project in England found that … ‘those churches planted since 1989 had grown an average of 75% per year! By contrast churches established prior to that date averaged six percent growth per year! In other words new church plants were growing 12 times as fast as established churches!” Jim Montgomery, Then…
Fighting Fear
Fear is a terrible thing. It consumes us. It saps the life from us just like a parasite saps us of energy. When we’re afraid, everything seems harder. It makes praying harder. It makes taking a risk on a new job or relationship nearly impossible. Fear drives us inward. We only think about ourselves…
Monkey and the Fish
This is a book about becoming water. It is a call for churches and ministries to become adaptable, flexible, and fluid with their cultural surroundings. Gibbons points to the increasing globalization occurring as the primary reason driving the need for churches to become this way. Neighborhoods are becoming more diverse, and the amount of cultural information…
This is a practical how-to guide for church planting from scratch. The authors of this book moved to New York City to plant a church in 2001. They didn’t know anybody in the city, and within two years of their first public service they were worshipping 500 people. They tell their story and offer guidelines…
Our Next Step in the Journey
Starting in early December, Mary and I will be transitioning into a new phase of our lives. I will begin a church planting residency at Emmanuel Covenant Church in Roseville, MN. After leaving Highrock Covenant Church in Boston, MA more than two years ago, we look forward to our time at Emmanuel with excitement. We…
ECC Assessment
Mary and I just returned from the Evangelical Covenant Church’s church planter assessment. The assessment was held at a nearby Covenant church in Plymouth MN. It started at noon this past Wednesday, May 28, and finished up at noon today May 31st. There were 15 couples being assessed, and around 12 assessors. The assessors included…