This book is meant to be a guidebook for developing vision in your life.  Stanley steps through the story of Nehemiah and pulls out visioning principles along the way.  He challenges everyone to live with purpose by developing a vision for each aspect or role of their life.  That means I have a vision for being a father, for being a pastor, for being a husband, and for being a Christian.

I found the book inspiring and helpful.  It’s more than just stories and encouragement.  It is very practical.  He provides tips and cautionary warnings for developing and implementing your vision.  This is a great book for anyone looking to find greater purpose in any part of their life.  It is especially helpful for leaders who want to ensure they are leading their companies or communities with vision.


One response to “Visioneering”

  1. Wow, I need a book like that. Are there other books like this that you’d recommend?