Author: webadmin

  • Heaven 3: Metaphors

    Talking about heaven is a little like talking about your unborn child.  It’s like talking about that vocation you want to be when you grow up.  It’s like talking about the job you want when you graduate from college.  Talking about heaven is like talking about an unknown future, except it’s unique in that the…

  • Capitalism makes for odd bedfellows

    Here’s an article pointing out that a new Christian web dating service is owned by Penthouse! Blogged with the Flock Browser

  • Unibrow

    The other night Josiah was having some trouble falling asleep.  I went in to tell him everything was okay and rub his back a little.  While I was kneeling by his bed and talking with him he started touching and grabbing at different parts of my face.  He finally settled on my eyebrow, and he…

  • Young Reformers and Emergent on Certainty

    Tony Jones and Colin Hansen are having a blogging style dialog over at CT (here).  At the end of the first post, Tony asks the question: “Where we probably differ is not so much on theology, but on epistemology….I wonder, do you think that some people are just more inclined to look for sure answers,…

  • Heaven 2: Shadows?

    For those of us who have ever worked on a difficult project with other people, we know that often times the key to success is compromise.  When making decisions about how to move from the project vision to the practical details, everyone on the team needs to be willing to come together to find the…

  • Heaven 1: If you were to die tonight….

    A few years back (8, I think), I went through an Evangelism Explosion training.  The training consisted of teaching you a packaged Evangelistic sales pitch that could be presented verbatim on demand.  The presentation always began with the question: “If you were to die today and find yourself at the gates of heaven, what would…

  • A new Blogging Browser

    I’m trying out a new browser that has as its sub-text, “the social web browser”.  It has a lot of built in features, like posting new blog posts in an easy integrated way.  In fact, I’m posting this blog from my browser’s interface. Blogged with the Flock Browser

  • Parenting

    Taken from The Blessing of a Skinned Knee: using Jewish teachings to raise self-reliant children, pg. 33-34: “Through the study and practice of Judaism, I learned that the parents I counseled had fallen into a trap created out of their own good intentions. Determined to give their children everything they needed to ecome ‘winners’ in…

  • Onslaught

    I once heard someone say that men become feminists the day they have a daughter. I’m already starting to experience the change. Along that line, this video is poignant.

  • Return to Relationality: Babies

    Philosophy’s and theology’s recent return to emphasizing our human identity in relational categories makes a lot of sense. Here’s an article that seems to support this way of thinking about humanity from the earliest days of our development: We can’t become better humans by ingesting more information. Development happens through human contact and interaction.…