Category: Kids
More Marches!
So Mary’s pregnant. She just returned from the doctor today, and they told her that she will likely deliver early next winter. She also came home with some ultrasound pictures. The baby is 3.9 cm long. You can see his/her little arms and legs and head. Crazy. Mary and I think we have the most…
An Angry Attitude
Two days ago my kids sneaked off with a box of strawberry cake batter mix from our pantry. They ran to their room and opened it with the intention of eating the mix. Not surprisingly, when they opened the bag some of the mix began to spill on the floor. This became a game for…
Magic Parenting
This book/DVD is worth its weight in gold. It’s about disciplining your children in a way that is both effective and stress-reducing for the family system. Mary, my wife, checked out the DVD version from our local library and we watched it last week. We have since put it into practice, and so far we’ve…
We just got back from a great vacation down in Sanibel, FL. My parents spend some time down their every year, and they invited us to join them for a little while. Mary spent about a week down there, and I was down there for about three days. Not as long as I would have…
Josiah Made My Day
Josiah is my three-year-old who is in preschool. Today the teacher asked the kids in the class what they want to be when they grow up. Some of the vocations that the kids wanted to be were: Veterinarian Train conductor Chef Fireman Mailman Princess These are all very exciting professions, especially in the eyes of…
Undivided Eye Contact
Ever since my wife and I saw the movie Baby Mama we’ve joked about the scene in which Steve Martin rewards Tina Fey’s good work with 5 minutes of undivided eye contact. Sometimes when Mary or I need a break from the madness that is parenting our two children, we joke that we need 5…
The other night Josiah was having some trouble falling asleep. I went in to tell him everything was okay and rub his back a little. While I was kneeling by his bed and talking with him he started touching and grabbing at different parts of my face. He finally settled on my eyebrow, and he…